Ichthyosis is a disorder of cornification, characterised by persistently dry, thickened, “fish scale” skin. There are at least 20 varieties of ichthyosis, including inherited and acquired forms.
The inherited forms of ichthyosis occurs as a result of genetic mutations that alter the appearance and behaviour of keratinocytes (skin cells) in the stratum corneum (the outer skin barrier layer).
The cause of acquired ichthyosis is unknown.
1. Ars iodide 30- Skin scaly , itchy . Marked exfoliation of skin in large scales, leaving raw exuding surface beneath
2. Clematis erecta 30- Red, brown , scaly scabby skin. Itches terribily, worse washing in cold water
3. Hydrocotyle 6– Great thickening of epidermal layer and exfoliation of scales Circular spots with scaly edgesIntolerable itching , especially soles
4. Natrum carb. 30—Lamellar ichthyosis with photophobia
5. Petroleum 200--A specific remedy for ichthyosis. Skin dry, constricted, very sensitive, rough and cracked
6. Platanus occidentalis 30- X- linked ichthyosis with corneal opacity and cataract
7. Phosphorus 200– Scaly lesions over various parts of the body including eye brows
8. Sepia 200-Ichthyosis with offensive odor of skin. Itching not relieved by scratching . Worse in bends of elbows and knees
9. Sulphur 200- Skin, dry , scaly and unhealthy
10. Zincum metallicum 200- With corneal dystrophy
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