Wednesday, July 26, 2017


An epigastric hernia   occurs when fat pushes through a weak part of the belly wall. It occurs in the middle of the belly between the breastbone and the belly button, or navel. Most of the time, these hernias are small. You can have more than one at a time.
Epigastric hernias often have no symptoms. But they can cause pain in  the upper belly.
An epigastric hernia is usually present at birth, and may heal without treatment as the infant grows and the abdominal muscles  strengthen. An epigastric hernia is similar to a umbilical hernia  except the umbilical hernia forms around the belly button and the epigastric hernia is usually between the belly button and the chest.
An epigastric hernia is typically small enough that only the peritoneum, or the lining of the abdominal cavity, pushes through the muscle wall . In severe cases, portions of an organ may move through the hole in the muscle.
Epigastric hernias are typically present at birth and may seem to appear and disappear, which is referred to as a "reducible" hernia. The hernia may not be noticeable unless the patient is crying, pushing to have a bowel movement, or another activity that creates abdominal pressure. The visibility of a hernia makes it easily diagnosable, often requiring no testing outside of a physical examination by a physician.
An epigastric hernia will not heal by itself and does require surgery to be repaired. However, unless the hernia threatens to become an emergency, surgery can be postponed until the child is older. Toddlers tend to tolerate surgery better than newborns, so it may be beneficial to wait before surgery is performed.

In case of Hernia , surgery is often considered the only option by the patients.Homeopathic remedies for Hernia, can effectively treat the condition and that too without any side effects.


Calcarea Carbonica is a  top Homeopathic medicine for treating epigastric hernia. It is mainly prescribed for obese people with weak abdominal muscles due to excessive fat in the abdomen. Such patients cannot bear tight clothes around the waist. Homeopathic medicine Calcarea Carbonicaalso gives excellent results in treatment of Hernia in children who sweat excessively on the head. The patients requiring this medicine are sensitive to cold air. There is unusual craving for boiled eggs or chalk or lime.


.Nux vomica is an excellent remedy  for treating epigastric hernia and umbilical hernia   It can be given to patients of Hernia in whom the abdominal muscles have been weakened due to long-standing constipation. The patient complains of a constant urge to pass stool or poop but scanty unsatisfactory stool is passed. Such a patient also usually feels very cold. There’s also an excessive craving for stimulants like alcohol or coffee.  Weakness and soreness in the abdominal muscles are always experienced


These two medicines are also considered . Calcarea phos  for thin patients



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