Today's post from (see link below) is an interesting article about how sensible it is to get your yearly flu shot if you also suffer from neuropathy. It's a subject that arises every year and most people see the consequences of having the flu as being more serious than the potential problems arising from the flu jab itself. However, there are possible problems associated with the boost to the immune system that the shot gives, not least a possible triggering of a relapse of neuropathic problems. You should talk it over with your doctor or specialist and make a decision based on the two sides of the argument. Will the jab make your current illness worse, or will catching the flu be a more serious factor for you? Neither is certain, so it becomes a case of risk assessment. Your doctor should be able to advise.

Posted by Editor on October 2, 2014
If You Have Neuropathy Pain from Guillain-Barre Syndrome or CIDP, There Are Special Considerations When Choosing Whether to Have a Flu Shot. Keep Reading for Details On How to Weigh the Risks and Benefits.
Flu season will be here before we know it. Most healthy adults will choose to get a flu shot to help stop the spread of this sometimes incapacitating illness, which can be responsible for thousands of deaths every year. And finding a place to get immunized is easy, with availability at nearly any drugstore, pharmacy, and walk-in clinic. Your insurance may even cover the cost.
But for some, deciding whether to get a flu shot isn’t an easy decision. People with neuropathy pain face a tough dilemma due to potential reactions to the vaccine. The list of folks who may be wary of the flu vaccine due to possible side effects includes people with peripheral neuropathy caused by cancer treatments, immune disorders such as AIDS and HIV, celiac disease, liver or kidney disease, shingles, and diabetes.
It’s important for people with neuropathy pain to realize that the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) actually recommends getting a flu shot due to the serious complications that can arise from flu exposure with certain underlying illnesses.
However, if you have neuropathy pain caused by some illnesses, including Guillain-Barre Syndrome and CIDP (chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy), you will need to discuss this issue in detail with their doctors. That’s because the immune system stimulation from a flu shot can sometimes trigger a relapse of these illnesses. Many doctors will recommend waiting a year after symptoms cease before receiving a flu shot.
Who is most at risk of catching and transmitting the flu virus? The CDC says you may want to consider getting a flu shot if any of these apply to you:
You’re at least 50 years old. (Children under 19 are also at higher risk.)
You are dealing with a chronic serious medical condition, such as diabetes or heart disease.
You are a resident of a long-term care facility or nursing home.
You are living with someone who is in a high-risk category, such as a child who is below the recommended age for vaccination.
Ultimately, whether to be vaccinated for the flu is your decision. People with neuropathy pain should speak with their doctors about this issue before taking action.
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