Saturday, August 12, 2017


Vocal cord nodules  and polyps are small growths that develop on the vocal cords of some people.
The vocal cords are the folds of mucous membrane in the larynx. The superior pair are called the false, and the inferior pair are the true vocal cords. These thin, reed-like bands vibrate to make vocal sounds during speaking and are capable of producing a vast range of sounds. One end of each cord is attached to the front wall of the larynx. The opposite ends are connected to two tiny cartilages near the back wall of the larynx.
A vocal cord nodule is a small, inflammatory or fibrous growth that develops on the vocal cords of people who constantly strain their voices. These are also called screamer's nodule, singer's nodule and teacher's nodule. A vocal cord polyp is a small swelling  in the mucous membranes covering the vocal cords. As they grow, they take on a rounded shape. They may run the whole length of the vocal cords or be localized.
A nodule differs from a polyp in that it is a growth of the epithelium  that covers the mucous membrane, not of the mucous membrane itself. Thus, it has a structural resemblance to a corn on a toe or a callus on the hand. If one has vocal cord nodules, the voice will become breathy and hoarse.
Cause-People who use their voices a great deal, such as professional singers, teachers, auctioneers, lecturers, and members of the clergy, are prone to have nodules on their vocal cords. Like polyps, nodules may develop as a result of excessive use of the voice.
A nodule differs from a polyp in that it is a growth of the epithelium  that covers the mucous membrane, not of the mucous membrane itself. Thus, it has a structural resemblance to a corn on a toe or a callus on the hand. If one has vocal cord nodules, the voice will become breathy and hoarse.
Polyps are lesions that develop from voice abuse, chronic  laryngeal allergic reactions  and chronic inhalation of irritants, such as industrial fumes and cigarette smoke. It may also be seen in hypothyroidism
Symptoms- hoarseness, breathiness, a rough voice, a scratchy voice, harshness, shooting pain from ear to ear, sensation of lump in throat, neck pain , decreased pitch range, voice and body fatigue
Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The selection of remedy is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using holistic approach. This is the only way through which a state of complete health can be regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering. The aim of homeopathy is not only to treat vocal cord problems but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility. As far as therapeutic medication is concerned, several remedies are available to treat vocal cord problems that can be selected on the basis of cause, sensations and modalities of the complaints. 
Thuja, Causticum, Calcaria Carb, Belladonna, Bryonia, Phosphorous, Drosera, Spongia, Sulphur, Iodium, Camphor, Stannum Met, Aconite, Allium Cepa, Nux Vomica, Argentum Nitricum, Mercurius, Zincum met, sepia, are some important medicines

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