Wednesday, August 9, 2017


Arthritis is a general term that describes inflammation in joints. Inflammation is characterized by redness, warmth, swelling, and pain in the joint.
Rheumatoid arthritis is a type of chronic (ongoing) arthritis that occurs in joints on both sides of the body (such as both hands, wrists, and/or knees). This symmetric multiple joint involvement helps distinguish rheumatoid arthritis from other types of arthritis.
In addition to affecting the joints, rheumatoid arthritis may occasionally affect organs outside of the joints including the skin, eyes, lungs, heart, blood, nerves, or kidneys.
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease, meaning that patient’s immune system (the body’s infection-fighting system) is over-reacting against its
Symptoms are joint pain, joint swelling, stiffness- especially in the morning or after sitting for long periods, fatigue- best defined as tiredness and excessive sleepiness
BRYONIA ALBA 200-- Bryonia is an excellent remedy in cases of acute pains of rheumatoid arthritis. Bryonia may be given when the pains are worse by slightest motion or touch. The joints are acutely inflamed and there is anguish and agony on account of pain. Bryonia may also be given when the pains are associated with swelling of the joints. In acute exacerbations when there is fever, bryonia can be prescribed. There may be whitish coating on the tongue and the mouth and the throat are extremely dry. Fever may be associated with thirst

PULSATILLA 30- Pulsatilla is one of the most indicated remedies in rheumatoid arthritis when the pains keep changing their locations. This homoeopathic medicine may be given in women with an unusual tendency to cry. They cannot narrate their symptoms without crying. The pains,  changing locations. For a few days pains may be in the right knee, then shift to the left knee, then in the ankles. So, to prescribe Pusatilla , one can keep in mind the tendency for the pains to keep shifting from one joint to the other. The pains are worse in the night, on rest and in warm closed rooms. However, the pains are better in open air and by warm applications.
SALICYLIC ACID 30- Salicylic acid is again one more remedy which can be given during acute attacks of rheumatoid arthritis. Salicylic acid may be prescribed when the involvement is primarily in the upper extremities. There may be profuse swelling and redness in the affected joints. Most often, the pains are associated with high to very high fever. The pains are pricking type and may be worse by exposure to cold and better by The pains are pricking type and may be worse by exposure to cold and better by warmth in general
PHYTOLACCA 30- Phytolacca is also one of the very well indicated medicines in cases of rheumatoid arthritis. Along with the joint pains, there may be a sore, bruised feeling in the whole body. Phytolacca is indicated in rheumatoid arthritis where pains are worse in the morning. There may be stiffness in the shoulders, knees and ankles. The feet are swollen and walking is restricted on account of acute pain. All of the above mentioned symptoms may be associated with an unusual weakness and fatigue. There is pain in the heels which feels better by raising the leg. Phytolacca may be indicated in cases of rheumatism of the abdominal muscles
ACTEA SPICTA  3X—It is an excellent remedy for rheumatism of small joints  of the fingers and wrists. Swelling of joints from slight fatigue.
RADIUM BROMIDE 30—It is a very useful remedy for chronic rheumatic arthritis. Severe pain in all the limbs and joints.Knees, ankles, shoulders, arms, hands, fingers, toes, calves, hip joints,  etc, all have , which is worse at night, in open air, on touch, from cold air and movements
CAULOPHYLLUM 30—Rheumatic pain in small joints like fingers , toes, ankles etc. Aching in the wrists.Cutting pain on closing the hands.Erratic pains, changing place every few minutes

GELSEMIUM 200--Gelsemium may be indicated in acute pains which are of burning nature and are worse by heat. There is extreme weakness with lethargy. Gelsemium may be given in cases of rheumatoid arthritis which become worse during change of seasons and in damp surroundings. The joints are swollen and there may be extreme weakness in the surrounding muscles. During an acute attack, there is marked trembling of all the limbs. Gelsemium may be given when there is a sore, bruised feeling in the back muscles as well

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