Homoeopathic mother tinctures very effective for controlling gall stone colic. Some of the important remedies are given below
ATISTA INDICA Q- Colic pain around the umbilicus which makes the patient senseless. Pain aggravates after eating and is relieved by passing flatus. Nausea aggravates in morning. Canine hunger and desire for sweets. Indigestion from fried things. Bitter taste in the mouth.Vomiting after taking milk
BERBERIS VULGARIS Q-A specific remedy. Urinary symptoms are prominent.
CARDUS MARIANUS Q- Swelling of gall bladder with tenderness and pain. Prevents further formation of gall stones
CHIONANTHUS Q-A prominent remedy for prevention of gall stones. Helps expulsion of the gall stones if already formed
DIOSCOREA Q-Severe pain. Pin ameliorates on bending backward
CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS Q- Gall stones with constriction and cardiac affections
STIGMATA MADAGUS Q- Releves at once the violent pain if given during paroxysm
TERMINALIA CHEBULA Q- Intense pain in abdomen aggravated at night. Pain aggravated by sitting, better by lying down. Flatulence and distension of abdomen relieved by passing flatus. Anorexia , profuse salivation and bitter taste n mouth. Tongue is coated brown
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