Nearsightedness (myopia) is a common vision condition in which you can see objects near to you clearly, but objects farther away are blurry.
Nearsightedness may develop gradually or rapidly, often worsening during childhood and adolescence. Nearsightedness tends to run in families.
Causes--Nearsightedness usually occurs when your eye is too long or has a cornea that's curved too steeply. This causes the light rays entering each eye to focus in front of the retina, instead of on the retina, leading to blurry images. The exact reason for some people developing longer eyes is unknown, but it may be related to genetics or environmental conditions.
Normal vision
To focus the images it sees, your eye relies on two critical parts:
· The cornea, the clear front surface of your eye
· The crystalline lens, a clear structure inside your eye that changes shape to help focus objects
In a normally shaped eye, each of these focusing elements has a perfectly smooth curvature like the surface of a smooth rubber ball. A cornea and lens with such curvature bend (refract) all incoming light in such a way as to make a sharply focused image on the retina, at the back of your eye.
A refractive error
However, if your cornea or lens isn't evenly and smoothly curved, light rays aren't refracted properly, and you have a refractive error. Nearsightedness is one type of refractive error. Instead of being focused precisely on your retina, light is focused in front of your retina, resulting in a blurry appearance of distant objects.
Other refractive errors
In addition to nearsightedness, other refractive errors include:
Farsightedness (hyperopia). This occurs when your cornea is curved too little or your eye is shorter from front to back than normal. The effect is the opposite of nearsightedness. In adults, both near and distant objects are blurred.
Astigmatism. This occurs when your cornea or lens is curved more steeply in one direction than in another. Uncorrected astigmatism blurs your vision.
Symptoms--Nearsightedness symptoms may include:
· Blurry vision when looking at distant objects
· The need to squint or partially close the eyelids to see clearly
· Headaches caused by eyestrain
· Difficulty seeing while driving a vehicle, especially at night (night myopia)
Nearsightedness is often first detected during childhood and is commonly diagnosed between the early school years through the teens. A child with nearsightedness may:
· Persistently squint
· Need to sit closer to the television, movie screen or the front of the classroom
· Seem to be unaware of distant objects
· Blink excessively
· Rub his or her eyes frequently
Risk factors-Certain risk factors may increase the likelihood of developing nearsightedness, such as:
Family history. Nearsightedness tends to run in families. If one of your parents is nearsighted, your risk of developing the condition is increased. The risk is even higher if both parents are nearsighted.
Reading. People who do a lot of reading may be at increased risk of myopia.
Environmental conditions. Some studies support the idea that a lack of time spent outdoors may increase the chances of developing myopia.
Homoeopathic remedies are effective for treating myopia also for the prevention of myopia.Homoeopathic treatment prevent further progression of the disease . Some of the important remedies are given below-
PHYSOSTIGMA 30-Pysostigma is one of the top Homeopathic medicines for myopia. Pysostigma is prescribed for nearsightedness which is progressing rapidly, accompanied by pain in the orbits. The person experiences photophobia along with blurred vision. Spasm of the ciliary muscle, irritability of the eyes and dim vision are present in Pysostigma.
RUTA GRAVEOLENS 30-Ruta is effective for myopia with severe headache. Heacahe occurs while reading, sewing and performing other near-sighted activities. Weakness of the ciliary muscles and blurred vision are also present. Ruta acts very well for eyestrain occurring from overuse of eyes.
AGARICUS MUSCARIUS 30-Agaricus is another effective medicine for Myopia. The person experiences difficulty in reading , as type seems to move or to swim. Double vision with flickering before the eyes.Asthenopia from prolonged strain, spasm of accommodation. There is twitching of lids eye balls. Margin of the lids red, itch and burn
VIOLA ODORATA 30- Viola Odorata is another medicine for Myopia, where it is accompanied by severe pain in the eyes. The person complains of severe pain in the eyes which radiates to the top of the head.Other prescribing symptoms rae heaviness of the eyelids, flames before the eyes and nearsightedness .
OLEUM ANIMALE 30-Oleum Animale is one of the effective Homeopathic medicines for myopia where the symptoms include blurred vision with smarting in the eyes. The person often sees glistening bodies before his eyes and complains of dim vision. Nearsightedness accompanied by twitching of the eyelids is another prescribing symptom
LILIUM TIGRINUM 30-Lilium tig is best for Myopia , there is myopic astigma. There is impaired vision , pain extending back . Hyperesthesia of the retina. Lilium tig is useful in restoring the power of weak ciliary muscles.
PHOSPHORUS 30-Phosphorus is another effective Homeopathic medicines for myopia. Fatigue of the eyes and head even when the eyes are not being overused is a key symptom for prescription of Phosphorus. It is prescribed for myopia with weak eyesight and an aversion to light. A feeling of having sand in the eyes which gets better by rubbing may also be present. Frequent itching in the eyes with profuse lachrymation is also present.Phosphorus is effective for the treatment of nearsightedness with atrophy of optic nerve .
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