The retina is the light-sensitive layer of tissue at the back of the inner eye. It acts like the film in a camera. Images come through the eye's lens and are focused on the retina. The retina then converts these images to electric signals and sends them via the optic nerve to the brain.
The retina is normally red due to its rich blood supply. An ophthalmoscope allows a health care provider to see through your pupil and lens to the retina. If the provider sees any changes in the color or appearance of the retina, it may indicate a disease.
Anyone who experiences changes in sharpness or color perception, flashes of lights, floaters, or distortion in vision should get a retinal examination.
APIS MEL. 30- Fluid beneath the retina. Passive pain in the lower part of the ball with flushed face and head. Stinging pain through the eyes. Edematous swelling of the lids
ARNICA MON. 200- Detachment of retina due to injury . Retinal haemorrhage
ARSENIC ALB. 30- Inflammation of retina with restlessness, especially after midnight with thirst for small quantities of water. Urine scanty and albuminous
AURUM METALLICUM 200- Upper half vision seems as if covered a black body, lower half visible.Retinal infiltration. Deposits on the retina
BRYONIA ALB 30- Inflammation of the retina. Severe sharp pain through the eye , worse by motion
BELLADONNA 30- Sudden sensitiveness to light. Aching pain in eyes and the retina
CONIUM MACULATUM 200- Retina oversensitive to the light. Pain deep in the eyes
CROTALUS HOR. 200- Blood in retina in cases of snake poisoning . Inflammation of the retina
GELSEMIUM 30- Inflammation of retina during pregnancy. Sudden dimness of vision. Detachment of retina due to injury or myopia
NAPHTHALINE 30- Detachment of retina . Exudation on the retina.Retina is inflamed . Pain and soreness in the head and around the eyes, sadness
PHOSPHORUS 200- When the eyes are sensitive to light, patient sees ring shaped halo around the light. Inflammation of the retina. Craving for cold drinks
RUTA GRAVEOLENS 30- Disturbance of accommodation. Dim vision
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