Headache is pain in any region of the head. Headaches may occur on one or both sides of the head, be isolated to a certain location, radiate across the head from one point, or have a vise-like quality. A headache may be a sharp pain, throbbing sensation or dull ache. Headaches may appear gradually or suddenly, and they may last less than an hour or for several days
BELLADONNA 200-Belladonna is one of the most frequently used Homeopathic medicines for headaches. The headache is violent and throbbing in character. There is throbbing pain in the temporal region. Pain starts suddenly without any prodromal symptoms. The pain is worse on touching, by noise or light and any jerk or sudden movement. Cold air or any exposure brings on the pain. The pain feels better from pressure. The face is hot and red. Cannot lie down as the pain increases in the supine posture.
GLONOINE 30-Glonoine is very suitable for congestive headaches. There is a rush of blood to the head. Heat and redness of the face and head is seen. Pain is usually throbbing in character. There is a feeling of shocks in the head and this is in sync with the pulse. This headache is aggravated by going out in the sun or heat in any other form. The patient cannot tolerate any warmth around the head. He feels better from uncovering the head.
NATRUM MURIATICUM 200-Natrum Mur is very commonly used for headaches that arises from any mental grief or stress. It is also good for anaemic headaches. Such headaches are often seen in young girls. There is temporary blindness with the headaches. The pain is as if there are thousands of small hammers beating inside the head. The pain increases during the day and is better after sunset. Paleness of the face accompanies the headache. The pain may be triggered by eyestrain.
SANGUINARIA CAN 200-Sanguinaria is very commonly used for right sidedheadaches. The pain often starts in the back of the head ie the occiput and settles into the right eye. There is distention of the veins of the head and the temporal region. The headaches are periodic in nature and occur on every seventh day. One gets relief from lying down and from sleeping.
SPIGELIA 30-Spigelia is very useful for headachesthat occur on the left side. In this medicine the pain settles over the left eye. There is a feeling as if there is a tight band around the head. The pain is aggravated by touch or motion.
YUCCA Q- A specific for headaches
NUX VOMICA 30- When a headache is triggered by overeating, coffee, hangovers, lack of sleep, or inactivity, nux vomica may be your answer. Constipation often accompanies the headache. You will feel better if warmly covered and lying down.
BRYONIA ALB 30-– Intense, sharp, shooting head pain characterizes a Bryonia headache. Your scalp may feel tender to the touch and cold applications help the pain. It can occur with indigestion or liver dysfunction.
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